People who visit your website (visitors, potential and existing customers) get a perception of you/your brand based mostly through visual impact. In order to catch and keep them on your website, your website should shine on all levels of human perception, especially visual.
More info: Why Websites In-Depth.
There are two meanings. Semantically, it represents an acronym for Websites In-Depth. It also has symbolic meaning. Wind cleanses. It takes all the troubles away.
An in-depth inspection of your website is made on many
Up to 10 days usually; however, please note that it also depends on the complexity of the website. After you submit your website to Wind service, you will be able to find out exact details.
Immediately. And if it happens there is a queue for other clients, we will of course let you know on time and arrange a start date.
Exact price or better said investment depends on various factors:
Please contact us for precise information.
No, we should not kid ourselves; there is no software to perform such an in-depth inspection. Only heart, passion and experiences can do that.
Yes, of course.
Yes, you can find them in Percaption Blog.
Yes, two additional consultations are possible: Marketing & Communication as well as an in-depth Design + Style. Altogether, this is crème de la crème for completing refinement of the brand image as whole.