Who are you?

Percaption is led by a small team of en­thu­si­as­tic peo­ple who deal with con­scious and sub­con­scious levels of perception. Besides our main focus is on blending web­sites, mar­ket­ing and psycho­logical per­cep­tion, we are also in­ter­est­ed in aural per­cep­tion (sound).

Why I should select Percaption?

In most cases, agencies are too narrow-minded. Marketing con­sult­ants don't have an in-depth under­stand­ing of web­site perceptions. At the same time, most companies that deal with websites don't have deep psy­cho­log­i­cal and marketing knowledge. That's where Percaption comes in. Both worlds covered. A Win-Win.

What is the meaning of Percaption?

Percaption is a synonym for perception This Link will open in New Tab. As we deal with visual, aural and psy­cho­log­i­cal perception, we choose a mean­ing that covers all those fields under one "umbrella."

letter-rotating in Percaption meaning
