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Attractive & Delicately Distanced Sound Enhancement

Acouste sound enhancement pro­vides a new fla­vour, ex­cep­tion­al song col­our and an in­spir­ing impulse. Con­tain­ing two si­mul­ta­ne­ous psy­cho­log­i­cal ef­fects, the sound is del­i­cate­ly distanced and, at the same time “it doesn’t let you go away” attractive. Mysterious – some­times hard­ly no­ticed to be much different from the CD sound its hid­den power lies “behind the scenes.” Is it minimal? Yes – until it needs to be­come Big. It's a gold­en se­lec­tion in the domain of "too much radio sound" and "boring, unequally mas­tered CD songs."

Natund logo

Relaxed Atmosphere &
Standing Out with Natural Sound

To impress a customer, our place should be dif­fer­ent, not the same as other pro­vid­ers’ places. As we all know very well, peo­ple ex­pe­ri­ence their world through their senses. One of the strong­est senses in man per­cep­tion is hearing. A nat­u­ral sound, a relaxed at­mos­phere and some­thing new is what Natund offers. Either con­scious­ly or sub­con­scious­ly, Natund will have an impact on listeners. If you want your place to be different in terms of the aural per­cep­tion of your cus­tom­ers, you should probably get Natund.