Why a Website is so Important

Websites are our new reality. How they appear represents the mirror of ourselvesour brand as they ex­ten­sively shape our custo­mers’ visual perception. And some­times, they are even the first impres­sion that customers get about our brand.

How to Catch New Customers...

Among one billion websites on the Inter­net in 2018, new custo­mers spend a very short amount of time on a new­ly visited website; on aver­age only 20 seconds. In order to catch and hold a customer, your website should shine on all levels of visual perception.

1 billion websites (

... and Keep the Existing Ones

This applies also for your existing custo­mers and loyal visitors; small “cracks” in per­cep­tion are slowly but inevitably driving them away.


Passionate about website per­cep­tion for 8+ years, Percaption prepared an in-depth in­spec­tion of web­sites on many levels, lead­ing to the shap­ing of your cus­to­mers' visual perception.