Communicate in the Tone of the Second Person, Not the First

Minimize words such as I, me, my, mine, we, our, and ours. You, your, and yours are recommended.


The majority of brands com­mu­ni­cate with their visitors and cus­to­mers in a tone of talking about themselves. Yet most of the time, people prefer when you talk about them in­stead of your­self or your brand.

You, not we

When talking about who, com­mu­ni­cate and write more about your visitor, part­ner or cus­tom­er and not really so much about yourself. Let there be high contrast, es­pe­cial­ly on the primary level (first and im­pact pages, first talks, first meetings).

Let the visitors have priority. Em­pha­size what you can do for them, not who you are and what your ability is.

Try to minimize words such as I, me, my, mine, we, our, and ours as well as mod­i­fy the com­mu­ni­ca­tion tone, where words such as you, your, and yours could be included.

You can talk about yourself on an “About” page or when a cus­tom­er asks about you.

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